World First Research on Climate Change and LGBTQI Communities in Jamaica

In recent years, the urgency of the climate crisis has become increasingly apparent, with successive natural disasters pushing individuals, civil society, businesses and governments to prioritise tackling climate change.

In April 2021, GiveOut launched the world’s first LGBTQI Climate Fund to resource LGBTQI activists and organisations working in the Global South and East to help confront the climate crisis.

J-FLAG released a groundbreaking report which was the first of its kind in the region of Jamaica on LGBTQI communities and climate change, exploring how these communities understand the climate crisis, are particularly vulnerable to its impact, and their particular needs in climate adaptation and mitigation strategies. They have also met the Minister with responsibility for climate change to share these results to ensure that their community is recognised.

Talking about the importance of this research, Glenroy Murray, the Executive Director for J-FLAG said “as people who live in small island development states, we have to think about what does it mean to be vulnerable to climate disasters, and what does it mean that our communities aren’t always thinking in that way or don’t know where they can go in these events.”

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