Mayako Pahichan are Securing Marriage Equality for Same-Sex Couples in Nepal

Mayako Pahichan, led by Executive Director Sunil Pant, are advancing marriage equality for LGBTQI couples in Nepal, helping same-sex couples navigate legal channels and promote broader acceptance of same-sex unions within the country. 

In Nepal, LGBTQI rights have historically faced significant challenges, with same-sex relationships not legally recognised. Despite some progress, many same-sex couples continue to encounter bureaucratic hurdles and resistance from local courts when seeking legal marriage.

But Mayako Pahichan is shifting this landscape. In June 2023, they were instrumental in the Supreme Court of Nepal’s landmark interim order directing the government to recognise same-sex marriages. 

Despite being widely celebrated, the Court order remains a point of contention for some institutions. In July 2023, Kathmandu District Court rejected the marriage registration of Maya Gurung, whose gender is listed as male in her legal documents. The district court stated she did not qualify as a legal woman under the Civil Code’s marriage criteria. However, thanks to the advocacy of Mayako Pahichan and their partners, Maya and her partner Surendra Pandey became the first same-sex couple to legally register their marriage in Nepal. 

As a result of this advocacy, the Ministry of Home Affairs issued a circular on 27 April 2024, instructing all local administrations nationwide to maintain a temporary record of all same-sex marriages within their jurisdiction, providing a form of official acknowledgment for these unions. This isn’t just bureaucracy—it’s a powerful step toward equality, offering same-sex couples official recognition of their unions. 

Following this milestone, seven same-sex marriages have been successfully registered, highlighting Mayako Pahichan’s impact in advancing LGBTQI rights in Nepal. Although challenges from some courts remain, Mayako Pahichan continues to advocate for permanent legal recognition and equal rights for LGBTQI couples, paving the way for marriage equality in the country.

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