Giving Outside the UK

Donate from Anywhere

You can donate from most jurisdictions, though GiveOut is currently only able to offer tax-efficient giving in the UK, Germany and USA.

Click on the button below to check if you can donate from your country. 

For any questions, to discuss how you or your business outside of the UK can get involved, or to donate via bank transfer, please contact GiveOut’s philanthropy team at


The GiveOut Germany Circle brings together the LGBTQI community and our allies in Germany to support GiveOut and the global movement for LGBTQI human rights.

GiveOut is partnering with Transnational Giving Europe’s German network, Maecenata Foundation, to allow donors in Germany to support global LGBTQI rights tax-efficiently.


If you are resident in the USA, you can give tax efficiency through our partner Outright International or through CAF America.

Establish a New Giving Circle

We are ambitious to grow giving for LGBTQI human rights everywhere! If you are interested in setting up a GiveOut giving circle in your country and know others who would like to get involved, we would love to hear from you.