Promoting Public Understanding and Acceptance

In the long term, inclusion of LGBTQI people and respect for our rights relies on better public understanding and acceptance. This requires education, campaigning, awareness raising efforts to promote positive media representation, and collaboration with and support from allies.

Better understanding and acceptance of LGBTQI people and issues can help pave the way for legal reform to protect human rights, reduce stigma, and empower LGBTQI communities to be more visible, ensuring our community can access the services, information and support they need.

Around the world, GiveOut’s partners are working to turn the tide of public opinion and entrench respect for LGBTQI rights, training journalists to use inclusive language and improve the representation of LGBTQI lives in the media, sharing stories of LGBTQI people to dispel common myths and misconceptions about our community, educating the public about LGBTQI people, and campaigning for change. Our partners are also working directly with families, faith-based groups, businesses and other potential allies to change hearts and minds, from one-to-one conversations to national education and awareness campaigns.

Stories of Impact

Grant Partners

Southern Africa